Handling School “Staff Infections” (Part I: The Over-sharer)

In the spirit of B2S, I want to give my fellow school psychologists a few tips for how to work with difficult adults in the school building. I think that when we first go into this field, we have a vision of working with kids all day long, in a cozy office, providing shelter from […]

Well I Feel Sheepish.

A while back, I wrote a post about how a reader commented that my blog wasn’t fun anymore. Truth be told, I had been feeling a little low about my blogging ability lately, especially since the amount of comments recently has been basically non-existent. And then, when there were no comments when I was offering […]

Together, We Could Probably Raise a Super Nerd.

I realize everyone is in major b2s (back to school) mode right now, but if I may, I have some nerdy news. First, the backstory: I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with my Internet BFF, Mrs. Mimi of Its Not All Flowers and Sausages. If you don’t know about her yet, pop by […]

Back to School…Gak!

          I had my first B2S (Back to School) dream a few nights ago: I was trying to organize the files of the students with overdue assessments and I could only find 2 out of the 40 files I needed.* Last night, I had another: I dreamed the copier wasn’t working and I had […]

Apparently, I Used to Be Fun.

 One of the great side effects of blogging is hearing from readers. Now like Yelp, I usually hear from readers who LOVE the blog and then from people who like to criticize. It’s either 5 stars or 1 star comments, so to speak. My inner critic always gets a little twinge when I get negative […]

Officer Friendly Pays a Visit

Anyone who has a baby and a dog knows that solicitors, mail delivery people, and UPS drivers have a knack for coming by and ringing your doorbell juuuuuuuuust as you finally get baby down for a nap. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we have a barky protective dog and all, but the BARK to […]


This is my first Mother’s Day as a new mom! When my husband asked me what I wanted to do, I told him, “I want to sleep in.” I added, “until at least 7am.” A mom can dream, right?  I got an early Mother’s Day gift of Baby B saying “Ma-ma” for the first time […]

It’s Shameless Self Promotion Month!

I promise, there will only be 75 more posts, tweets, and Facey Face status updates about my new book, The School Psychologist’s Survival Guide. I can’t help it, I am so excited that my book baby was finally born! It took longer to make this book than it did to make my actual baby. I […]

Madness, I Say. Madness.

Every year my husband thinks I’m going to get into March Madness basketball thingy and whatnot. Every year, I slightly glance at the TV while he is watching if one of my alma matters, UC Berkeley or University of Northern Colorado is in the tournament. I don’t care for sports, mostly because I feel badly […]

This Is My Confession*

I have a confession. I have been writing for another. I didn’t mean to cheat on you, blog, it’s just that…just that…well, I met someone else. Her name is Jossey. Jossey Bass Publisher. That’s why I haven’t been around much this past year. Just know I was going down a shame spiral when I realized […]